An anal fissure is an open sore (ulcer) or tears that occurs in the lining of the anal canal. It is a common painful problem,affecting all age groups.

Any abnormal exit of an organ or fatty tissue through an opening is known as a hernia.

The rectum is the last four to five inches of the digestive tract.The rectal opening is known as the anus. Problems in this area are very common...

The human body produces gas each day from food, drink and swallowed air...

When the human waste and toxins are collecting in the colon and not able to come out naturally with...

Constipation is one of the common problems of human being. It is a condition of the digestivesystem where an individual has hard feces

When people eat food through the mouth then it is being chewed by the teeth into smaller pieces. Later the salivary glands release juices to help.

A hernia is a hole in the muscle layer and it mostly occurs in the abdomen, upper thigh, belly button and groin areas. It occurs when an organ..

It is actually the part of the digestive tract which is located at the junction of the small..

Heartburn is an irritation of the esophagus and it is nothing to do with the heart. Although there are some symptoms that are quite similar to heart attack or heart disease, it is quite different..

Piles, also known as Hemorrhoids, is a painful disease, therefore, it needs a lot of care to get rid of discomfort and pain.There are many times in patients life when they experience an abrupt burst..

We all know what is Anal Fissure!! It is a small cut in the anal opening which may lead to pain, bleeding, discomfort while sitting or making bowel movements. Our hectic life schedule

People generally are not aware of the diseases till they themselves suffer from them . Piles and Anal Fissures are two different ailments affecting the anal canal and lower rectum .

Planning a laser Treatment or laser hemorrhoid surgery to cure painful hemorrhoids. Changing lifestyles and home remedies are not

Haemorrhoids/ Piles which is also called Bavasir and Mulvyadh. It is common among males and females which happens due to...

Piles or Haemorrhoids or Bavasir- making the life of people miserable by discomfiting them. These along with fissure form anorectal problems...

Most people are unaware of this medical term. Varicose veins known as the condition when veins become enlarged, dilated, overfilled with blood. These veins are properly visible.

Hernia is a sac formation which occurs due to weakness in abdominal muscles. It refers to when an organ pushes through an opening in the muscle or weak tissue that holds it in place.Hernia if left.

We all know, Gall Bladder is organ which is found inside the body below the liver on the right side upper abdomen. This organ contains a light-colored fluid which is called “Bile” and which helps in the digestive system.