Preventive Methods to Control Excessive Gas & Bloating
The human body produces gas each day from food, drink and swallowed air. This is expelled from the body either by burping or by passing it through the rectum. Sometimes, people suffer from excess gas which can be painful. It causes embarrassment and discomfort occasionally. There are three main methods by which you can control excess gas and bloat.
Change Your Eating Habits
There are certain foods that can cause excess gas and bloat in you. Identify and exclude them from your diet. Start keeping a journal of what you eat to determine what foods are causing your excess gas. Once you have determined what foods are causing your excess gas, minimize your consumption of those foods or avoid them totally.
Eating too rapidly makes you swallow air, which may cause you to have excess gas. To prevent this side effect, take your time when you eat.
Brush your teeth between meals in its place of chewing on gum and mints. Chewing gum or sucking on mints can cause you to swallow air, which may lead to excess gas and bloat.
Sip beverages direct from the glass. Drinking through a straw can make you swallow air, which can lead to excess gas.
Take Supplements and Medications
Use medication to help prevent excess gas. There are many different medications that can help you prevent excess gas. Try to get simethicone in your medicine as it provides relief for excess gas by dissolving gas bubbles.
Add Beano to foods to prevent excess gas and bloating.
Try taking activated charcoal capsules to control excess gas.
Change lifestyle
Quit smoking. In addition to its other harmful effects on your health, smoking causes you to inhale extra air leading to excess gas.
Stress and anxiety can give excess gas, so it is important to include relaxation into your daily routine. Go for meditation, yoga, and deep breathing exercises to decrease the stress and hence excess gas also.
Consult your doctor about prescription medications if checking your diet or taking prevention methods do not help your gas issues. Some physical disorders like irritable bowel syndrome, diabetes, and celiac disease may cause gas symptoms despite your possible efforts to decrease gas in your system. Your doctor will diagnose the actual cause of the problem and help you in prevention from excessive gas and bloat.
Now a Days, Colon Hydrotherapy is taken as the most effective treatment to cure the Gastric & Bloating problems naturally. Avail at least Colon Cleansing or Hydrotherapy session in Gurgaon and see the effects.